Category Archives: Precognitive

Page dated 5/12/95

#1 – I can remember seeing italic printing which leads me to believe I will co-author a book – like “you will need a co-author” or something – Very WEIRD!

#2  I told my daughter’s fortune using rubbery like cut outs of figures and objects – one of them was a polka dot angel which had been bent out of shape. Abby seemed relieved when I flattened her out and placed her near the piece that represented Abby.

#3  Abby was on stage with a man receiving an award for a video he/she produced.

#4  Abby was going to receive an award.  I was going to the event on a plastic child sized Fisher Price Scooter.  At  first it sailed along.  To save time I took a short cut which turned out to be dark and bumpy and  had puddles.  The road got narrower and narrower until it was just a path.  When I emerged from the path I was not any nearer my  destination and felt like I would never get there.  Very bummed!

Dreamer’s comments – #1 I have the sense that this blog is my book and I am my own co-author as I always put my comments in italics.  #2  I believe the out of shape polka dot Angel is Abby….  that in 1995 she was experimenting with trying to find herself and what she wanted to do and was being led around by a number of factors/people who were pulling her out of her natural shape. #3.  Although she has not received any awards that I am aware of yet…  I do know that she has worked with several producers and appeared in an MTV music video etc.  She has also produced a few fashion shows so it is not out of the question that she may someday receive an award for one of them.  #3 to me just indicates going the long way…  learning the hard way… things not happening fast enough, etc.


Page dated 9/15/00


I was decorating a parking meter.  It turned out cute but there was too much on it.

(I believe this is a reference to the small living space we were temporarily moving into)


At a party on a bus, the ceiling was so low everyone had to hold their head down toward their shoulders to talk to each other.

(Again a reference to feeling cramped in the small space we are moving into.)

Dreamer’s comments:   Makes sense to me!  Had to be a reference to the apartment we moved into between selling one house and buying another.

Page dated 5/20/02

I seem to be working in a beauty salon except I have no training.  They give me Katie Kreydt to do.  I want to do a good job but don’t know how and feel bad about it.  She wants a wash and cut and deep conditioning.  I go and get the products I need.  When I come back the list of treatments has grown and I have to go and get more.  I think Debbie is there too.  I finally go to the sink.  Katie is on her hands and knees.  She has fallen and the cupboard door knob – a small flat topped thing – is in her eye and she can’t get it out.  I feel sort of useless – trying to think.  Finally I suggest we unscrew the knob from the other side of the door so at least she can stand.  As I am about to do that, she gets it out.

Dreamer’s comment:  This is so weird.  I have no idea what it means, but 10 years later, Katie was at my house and she was helping me replace knobs on my bathroom cupboard doors and she ran the electric drill right through the door and into a towel on the shelf inside and we could not get the drill out of the door.  We laughed so hard we took pictures.   I can’t imagine this dream predicted that incident in any way, still the parallels are uncanny – didn’t know what we were doing, had to look and look to find a drill, in the bath near the sink, small flat doorknobs, etc.

Page dated 4/14/01

I was driving Jaimee (abby’s friend?) to an important meeting up a ramp.  We sat in a restaurant.  I saw something I liked.  She told me to talk to a woman who just bought it.  I think Joe was embarrassed.    Anyways, this lady was very ebullient.  She stood up and modeled a long sweater to her knees.  It had no sleeves and the arm holes were so big they were down to her waist nearly (I think) and to the middle of the front.  I didn’t want it anymore though she didn’t seem to mind it.  I saw a flower pot with a broken flower pot inside.  I recognized the broken one as my favorite.  I was a little sad but okay.  I woke up.

Dreamer’s comment:  In a way I wonder if this is a precognitive dream in that I was given a sweater by Abby’s friend that went to my knees…  I wore it once but didn’t really like how it fit and ended up giving it to another woman who admired it.  I thought the lady I gave it to was a friend (outside pot) but turned out to be not such a good friend after all (broken pot) and I was sad but oh well…  what can I do about it?  It is sad and I feel bad but some people are just like that…..  Gotta just let them be.

Page dated 3/11/00 dream fragments

#1.  Dreamt Bambi, Donna? and I went to Susie and Ray’s.  Someone was going to screw Ray.  Bambi?  We sat in the front room  Susie and Ray were watching TV in the next room.  There were stairs in our room.  Whoever (Bambi?) came downstairs and we asked “did you do it?” and she said “yes” but then Bambi walked in the front door.  Someone came in and asked if Bambi gave Ray a white shirt.  She said “no  I  gave him a blue one”.  Someone else said Susie knew.  Susie was crying in the other room.

#2.  Abby had her driver’s license.  Just got it and hadn’t been out on her own yet.  I got a call for a job interview.  Seemed like a big job.  It was up on a hill.  I was somewhere at another job maybe.  I called Abby to give me a ride.  She didn’t seem to know how to get there.  I called Mary Ellen Ash who gave me specific directions.  The place was next to John Ash Cleaners so I knew she would know.  She told me 5th right turn past the stadium.  I called Abby back to tell her that I think.  Anyways I decided I wasn’t so far and that I would walk.  The way was muddy at first and then hard and rocky but I made it.  When I got there I was to interview with the president.  He was upstairs.  Very long flight.  There were people sitting on the bannister watching TV.  I walked up and was on the balcony ready to go in when I woke up.

Dreamer’s comments:  Weird as it seems, I think these are precognitive.  I don’t think they have anything at all to do with actual content but rather are like stories that say one thing but mean something entirely different.    For instance all the TV watching in both makes me think of watching life passing by, stairs in both would indicate an ascension, different in each case, seeking direction and/or explanation, overcoming mud and rocks etc. to attain a goal but still achieving.

Page dated 1/16/00

I met a woman who told me she was a queen.  She wore lots of shiny jewels like diamond but was dressed in regular robes and held no airs about herself.  She told me that I needed to be making practical plans and finding practical solutions for the future.  She seemed to be pointing out notebooks for future reference and indicated I should be content to consult them alone…  to sit quietly or just with my pets at home and think about what they were telling me.  She said I had a midas touch on my own as far as money went…  to not pay any attention to what others thought I should do…  to just follow my own intuition and reason and that these were enough to empower myself.   That there would be some people who liked to show hold their “stuff” high but it was worthless and to pay no attention.

Dreamer’s comments:  Given the conversations I have had with some of my good old friends recently, I wonder if perhaps this “queen” could see this stuff coming…. 

Page dated 10/28/99

(dream)  If I can find the body’s “catalytic converter”, I’ll have it made.

(Just went to Anita today who saw me going into nutritional healing)

Note (from page) dated next day:  went on the internet to find out what a catalytic converter was.  It’s a device incorporated into an auto’s exhaust system that reduces pollutants in the gases emitted by the exhaust.  When I went to bed last night I had bad gas pains.

Dreamer’s comment:  LMAO!  (Anita is a local psychic)  Also, did take some classes in natural healing methods although I don’t know if this dream, or my reading, is what prompted me to do that. 

Page dated 8/26/99 (from Disney)

#1  Someone was (or I was) looking for a cabin.  One was pointed out but it wasn’t the one being searched for.  Then I saw one deep down the hill further into the woods.  (I feel like this represented something deeper in me)  I saw a person – or a flash of a person’s white shirt.

#2  I dreamt Katie started doing and dealing drugs because she was depressed about being dumped.  She came to me begging for help.

#3  I dropped Abby at a school on a hill but I had to go find her ankle stockings which was going to make me late for work.  I came back to work and there was some sort of meeting going on in one room – or it was being set up – something to do with voting I think.  There was a guard (Cheryl O’Keefe) posted.  I got to my office and there was a woman waiting.  I wasn’t ready for work yet.  I had to still go home and shower.  Had on the same clothes as the day before or something.  She had tried to get into my locked office and had jammed the doors – three that slid one on top of the other.  They were out of order and I had to refit them and put them back in order.  She wanted to know if she could have any discs I might have from my B drive.  She was trying to get some project done for her degree or something maybe.  I was trying to attend a meeting and help her at the same time.  I gave her the disc box to look through.  She found some then she got the computer to spit out other things.  One was a plastic reproduction of an old time plastic santa.  She was amazed and wanted to know how I got it and if I could make more. I could see she wanted to sell them as authentic and fool people.  Then she saw these little bits of square colored glass (crystals maybe) and wanted to know where they came from.  I had the sense they too were valuable.  (That’s when Mickey Mouse called and woke me up.)

Dreamer’s comments:  This is interesting…  In #1, it seems obvious I was being encouraged to continue meditation which I still do – with the flash of white being used as a goal.  in #2 with Katie …  a few years later on a girls’ outing, she and I (only) got high and she told me about a “friend” she had acquired.  So in a way I feel this dream was somewhat prophetic.  In #3, it is 2013 now and 3D printing is all the rage albeit still very expensive…   also I have gone through a phase of learning about gemstones and crystals.

Page dated 7/18/99

#1   Went biking with a bunch of girls.  4 or 5 of us including Bambi and Anita Schnell.  We went up West River Road to Allegany and back through town.  Stopped for dinner along about the Motherhouse area although it didn’t look the same.  We came across Dr. Moss.  He said his wife moved back to Germany ahead of him.  He was living with  Bill Penman and David Butts.  Don’t know where _________ went.  Bill’s house?  Noticed I had lost my pedals on my bike.  Terry Schnell came by and said he’d seen one back aways.  At one point I remembered standing to pedal and using only one leg.  Remembered I had’t been able to pedal while standing before.  David lost his jacket.  I was helping  him look for it.  I saw an old bike of mine in his truck.  I asked him to take the pedals off and put them on my bike.  He said ok.  While working on it,  I asked for a cookie.  Or said I wanted one.  Bambi(?) went in a house and came back with a plate full if them,  three different kinds,  passed them around,  pedals fit different but David made them work.  We left.  At some point we girls split up but then came back together again,

#2    Lived in a small apartment with my Mom.  Susie (my sister) came to visit.  She took over and moved stuff.  At one a.m. Anne and Amy came over very early and got me up.  Said there was a family meeting.  I asked Amy what’s it about.  She said she thought it was about her.  I got up.  Looked for clothes in my closet.  All there was were lots and lots of little kid purses  Susie had bought for her grand daughter.  I started bitching.  She told me my clothes were on the plane.  (I can’t remember) but they weren’t then she found them stacked on a kitchen chair.  I grabbed a pair of jeans, put them on and kept saying they weren’t mine.  Nina gave Susie a dirty look and told me she’d bought them for me and to apologize to Susie for thinking she put me out.  My dresser was in the meddle of the floor.  I didn’t like the jeans.  They were too big.  Everyone said I should keep them.  Susie kept saying how I would not like them.  The were  Claude so and so jeans (some brand name).  I didn’t care.  There was something fuzzy right in the middle of the zipper but I decided I could cut that off.  They kept pushing them on me until I felt guilty not taking them so I buttoned them back up.  I looked at the tags.  They were $628.88 marked down to $54.00.  The alarm woke me up.


NOTES: from dream book I wonder if this has something to do with the eye surgery I am contemplating.  Susie called today with some scarer stories about it.  I got a deal.  Was going to pay $2,000/eye.  Today found it in Canada for $500/eye.  (Jeans price  – Susie annoyance) fuzzy piece makes me wonder.

Dreamer’s note – I did have the Lasik surgery and have been very happy with it.